Monday, 9/9/13 @ 5:45AM -- The sun rises over Uberlandia, peaks over a nearby high rise, and the morning rays come beaming through my window. (My hotel room faces east.) Today, neither a wake up call nor an alarm was really necessary. Our work starts in earnest today.
Since the CSC team wasn’t expected in the lobby until
9:50AM, I had time to go for a 30 minute run along the main avenue (Avenida
Ramon Pacheco) in front of the hotel. As
I ran along one of Uberlandia’s
main thoroughfares, it was interesting to see the flurry of activity at
7AM. Store keepers were washing their
front entrances with a hose. The local
medical clinic already had a queue out both doors. Traffic, both cars and ever present
motorcycles, zipped by. Prior to today, I
had only seen Uberlandia
during a weekend. This was the first
chance I had to see Uberlandia
during a normal work day.
Everyone has been asked to assemble on time, so we can
promptly arrive at the mayor’s office by 10AM.
We all piled into two buses and off we went; none of us really knowing
what to expect.
When we arrived, the mayor was there with his full team,
which included his entire 8 – 10 person staff.
In the meeting room, numerous NGO directors & presidents also
attended. Along the side of the room,
all 19 CSC participants – IBM & JPMC – lined up in a long row of chairs with
our college & university interns sitting behind us. (Two interns have been assigned to each team
as extra translators and to support us if there is any local research required
by any of the CSC teams.)
The meeting lasted about 1 ½ hours and there was quite a bit
of formality and fanfare. At the end of event, the
room cleared out pretty quickly, but Bruno (our local IBM CSC consultant) asked
me to stick around to be interviewed by the local media. The interview only lasted 3 – 4 minutes. However, it was exciting to be a part of
something so significant, in a city on the other side of the Equator from my Tampa home.
At the mayor's office, we met up with Toni, President of the Ipe Institute, and
several members of his staff and went to the Instituto Ipe Cultural to formally
start our assignment. Throughout the
afternoon, our Brazilian hosts were warm, cordial, outgoing, and
hospitable. It became quickly apparent
they were all extremely passionate about their organization. We discussed the Ipe Institute in-depth
hearing about its history, goals, objectives, and organizational make up from key Ipe members. Before we left for the day, we were treated
to cheese bread (an Uberlandia
specialty made out of yucca flour and a local cheese) and carrot cake, along with some strong
Brazilian coffee.
By the end of the day, both CSC teams (IBM / Joel &
Hajira & JPMC / Leslie & Paul) felt it was an exceptionally strong
start to an interesting assignment. Tuesday is our first full day at Ipe. Already I knew this assignment would forever change my perspective on life and it will truly be a very positive life altering experience.
#ibmcsc brazil
I am so proud of you for keeping up your wellness even when your routine is completely altered. This seems like such a surreal experience. I can't believe my D-man gets to see and do all these amazing things.