As our 2nd week of business came to a close,
Hajira and I prioritized the last bit of data gathering. Our plan was to talk to Toni about his view
of compensation, benefits, retention, and recognition at Ipe. Even though the staff at Ipe is small (<
15 people), these are areas that Toni included in the statement of work
(SoW). Ideally, if we do our job
properly, this CSC visit - and the documents we give to Ipe - will be the
catalysts for the institute to get to the “next level” within 1 – 2 years.
Shortly after we arrived at Ipe on Friday, Aline approached
all of us and presented a pretty cool idea.
She suggested that we all head to the street market which was only 4
blocks away. When we arrived, the street
was blocked off completely. For the next
200 – 300 yards, all you could see were local vendors selling fresh fruits,
fresh vegetables, canned & jarred food items, spices, kitchen utensils
& gadgets, and food, e.g., fresh pastries (pastelarias). We decided to treat ourselves to a pastelaria
after we walked down to the end and back. (As it turns out, several workers at the Pastelaria Boaventura booth used to live and work in NYC.)

Aline had a traditional meat & cheese, Paul had one with
banana, cinnamon, cheese, & sugar, and mine just contained bitter sweet
chocolate. All in all, we all agreed they were

For the rest of the morning and afternoon, we worked on finalizing the
first drafts of our 4 documents. The
largest two documents will be 30 – 40 pages and 15 pages.
This weekend, we’ll send them to members of Ipe for their first
review. Next week, we’ll meet several
times with key members of Ipe's staff to understand their input, answer their questions, and create a 2nd
and 3rd draft, if necessary.
Toni was gracious enough to give us 2 – 3 of hours of his time, at the
end of his day (and at the end of a long week), to close out the overall
interviewing & data gathering process.
Finally at about 6:15PM BST, we headed back to the hotel.
#ibmcsc brazil
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