Since Sunday, 10/6, I’ve been back home in Tampa, FL. It is nice to see that my blog continues to
be active. When I got back to the U.S., my blog
had approximately 1,350 “Views”. Now,
the “Views” counter is up to 1,522 (and growing).
The main reason for this “tapas” is to THANK EVERYONE who
has looked at my blog; whether it was just a one time visit or whether you were
a frequent visitor. As a first-time blogger, my blog's success has exceeded my expectations. You have all
motivated me to give my blog a lot of time, attention, and passion.
Over the next couple of months, I plan on updating my blog
on a regular basis. As I reflect on my
time in Uberlandia,
vivid memories and details will come to mind.
I plan on sharing them as the months roll by. At some point, my blog entries &
contributions will wane, but for now, I’m extremely motivated and moved by my
Brazilian experiences.
Until next time... Tchau tchau!! (Bye-bye)
#ibmcsc brazil
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